How to get rid of ads is not fast, easy and simple, because there can be many causes. Plus, because the cause is not just us, but there could be other people who really intend to interfere with our website without us knowing it.
Google protects advertisers from invalid activity, activity that deceives advertisers, and traffic quality. As adsense advertisers, we must also take care of this. Even if we don't make things weird, ads can happen. So we have to understand why no ads appear and how to open or remove those ads.
Causes of AdSense ads
Maybe we are happy when we see increased traffic, more advertising money revenue, high CTR. But on the other hand, it can be dangerous. Incorrect website optimization, unhealthy competitors, can be applied to ad blocking.
This adsense restriction is a kind of warning or warning, some have to advertise and place ads. And if it keeps happening and repeats, the chance to get banned is very big. Ad restrictions can last for days, weeks, or even months.
If we look at Google adsense monthly earnings reports, there are usually adjustments or deductions for invalid clicks or traffic, which may still be within the reasonable / tolerance stage.
However, if the frequency is too frequent and large, we will get emails and notifications from Google adsense, the contents will explain why the ad appears, but not specific. And Google adsense will also never provide data or information which caused the error.
There are 3 main causes of ads appearing:
The main cause that is most often the reason for advertising is invalid traffic issues. Good and healthy website traffic is visitors who come to view website content, read content, or look for answers. Invalid traffic usually comes from visitors who can be manipulated to enter our website. These visitors do not add value to the website. Advertisers certainly don't want their ads to appear on people who are not in accordance with their advertising targets.
Most of the ads from Google Adsense pay based on clicks on the ads, although sometimes there are also paid for impressions. CTR (Click Through Rate) states the percentage of the number of ads that are clicked per 1000 impressions (impressions). The higher the CTR means the more ads are clicked.
CTR adsense ads on average are at 2%, if the number above it can mean good or maybe not good. CTR above 5% is not normal anymore, especially if CTR is above 10% it will usually immediately become a red flag, and only accounts can be monitored. We must be able to understand why our ads are clicked too often.
When we register for adsense, our content will be checked and checked by Google. But that doesn't mean that once we're accepted, we can include whatever content we want. Although it may be content that is unintentional, unnatural and illegal, will make adsense ads appear.