How to Make a Pigeon Cage from Plywood Easily

Keeping birds is still a favorite of many people as a means of channeling hobbies.

In fact, many people keep ornamental birds with melodious chirping or are even trained to perform descent shows, namely pigeon flying competitions which are often held in various regions.

That's why keeping birds can be an alternative to channeling hobbies, relieving stress while generating quite promising profits. One of the common bird species kept by many people in Indonesia is the dove.

This bird is called the symbol of love because of its loyalty to a partner. In addition, pigeons are also easy to maintain because they do not require special care like other chirping birds.

However, you certainly need to think about an aviary with a size that suits your pigeon's activities so that it can move and live comfortably. Here's how to make a pigeon cage from simple plywood that you can easily do yourself.


How to Make a Pigeon Cage from Plywood

Here are the steps to make a pigeon cage from plywood that is easy, practical and you can follow from home:


1. Tools and Materials

Before deciding to make your own swallow's nest, you must choose a suitable and durable plywood material. Make sure the plywood you choose has no holes or cavities.

This is because the holes indicate that your plywood is fragile and will break easily and will not last long if used as a cage. One of the woods that is known to be strong and not easily brittle is teak wood or teak wood.

Teak wood is teak wood that has been in the form of sheets, has wide dimensions and various patterns. In addition to teak plywood, you also need teak wood as the base.

Choose a base that is sturdy and has no holes and has a smooth and even texture. You will also need to prepare other tools such as wood glue, paint, varnish, saw, wood shaver, tape measure, pencil, pliers, nails and drill.


2. Outline of the Birdcage

The size of the cage is the most important thing so that your pigeons are comfortable when in the cage later. Pigeons are usually medium in size and will fit in a cage measuring about 70-80 square centimeters.

If you have two pigeons, build a cage for four pigeons. Similarly, if you have three pigeons, make a cage large enough to hold nine pigeons. This will allow your pigeon to move freely and stress-free in the cage.

You can make the design of the pigeon cage as simple and creative as possible. You can also take advantage of this design first before buying a plywood board so that the plywood you buy later is not too much or even less.

Then after your simple pigeon cage design is ready, then cut the wood and plywood to size side by side, glue them together with wood glue and add nails to make them stronger.

3. Bird cage drilling

Once you've cut out each side of the design, you can start drilling the bottom of the cage. Drill carefully and make sure you don't misinterpret each side of the birdcage you are going to make.

For cage rods, you can start drilling with the smallest drill bit. Leave about 1.5 to 2 cm between the bars from each other. Don't forget to leave a section for the cage door.


4. Bar Cage

Before cutting the bars for your pigeon coop, make sure the knife you are using is sharp to make the process easier. Flatten the side of the wood you are going to grate. You can also use bamboo as a stick to make it easier to shape.

However, make sure you choose bamboo that is strong and doesn't rot easily when exposed to water. Once you've cut the bars, grind them with a knife and wood sandpaper until they're completely smooth and there are no rough edges that could injure the pigeons. Attach the bars using glue and nails to make them strong.


5. Base, Sandpaper and Paint

The final step is to cut the plywood to make a suitable size base for the cage that will hold the bird droppings. After that, you can sand the swallow's nest so it doesn't hurt when holding the cage. Then, paint the bird's nest with wood paint and dry it in the sun.

That's how to make a pigeon cage from plywood that you can do at home. You can get quality teak wood by buying it online at Klopmart. The process of making your pigeon cage is definitely more practical and easy.

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